Seasonally common; check roadways for perched birds.
Rare seasonal (winter).
peregrine falcon
northern goshawk
Very rare.
red-tailed hawk
Common in appropriate habitat; check roadways for perched hawks.
red-shouldered hawk
Seasonal visitor/migrant mostly; becoming more common. May be nesting in the county.
broad-winged hawk
Sporadic in migratory season.
rough-legged hawk
Occasional seasonal (winter) visitor.
cooper's hawk
sharp-shinned hawk
Not as common as Cooper's Hawk.
Occasional visitor (Wayne Lakes, etc.).
northern harrier
Winter visitor, particularly the northern county farmlands and grasslands.
mississippi kite
Very rare.
turkey vulture
Very common in season.
black vulture
New seasonal visitor (population moving north).
bald eagle
Occasional. One or more active nests likely. More common in Mercer County, nesting around Grand Lake.
golden eagle
Very rare.
great horned owl
Common in appropriate habitat. Heard more often than seen.
barred owl
Common in appropriate habitat. Heard more often than seen.
eastern screech owl
Common in appropriate habitat. Heard more often than seen.
long-eared owl
Uncommon seasonal (winter) visitor.
short-eared owl
Rare seasonal (winter).
snowy owl
Rare seasonal (winter) visitor; arctic conditions may lead to increased numbers of owls showing up in the continental US every few years. [Photo shows a New Weston visitor, early 2018.]
northern saw-whet owl
First documented report in December 2020. Probably an uncommon seasonal migrant that hides well enough in conifers to escape notice.